Ideas,Insights,Solutions from Osweypm's Powder Metal Manufacturers

Fascinating insight into the production process of metal parts: powder sintering (PM), metal injection molding, and precision machining.

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Metal injection molding process is used in a wide range of applications

Metal injection moulding(MIM) is a metal formation process in powder metallurgy technology with zero material waste, high productivity, excellent mechanical and physical properties. MIM technology is used in various industries: MIM Process manufacturing technology has a wide range of applications in automotive, aerospace, medical devices, electronic devices, smart home and other fields. With the continuous…

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Sintering process in the manufacture of metal components

Introduction to sintering process in powder metallurgy: Sintering is a powder metallurgy process, the final dimensions of sintered metal parts can only be designed and processed in the final stage, the sintering stage is accomplished by heating a mixed powder mixture in a furnace so that the components of the metal part can finally be…

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Why are powdered metal parts sintered?

The need for sintering: Powdered metal is pressed to form the desired shape of the part. Because the powder contains chemical binders that affect the strength and density of the workpiece, the workpiece needs to be sintered at high temperatures to remove excess impurities and molecular gaps, and the sintered part then has strong mechanical…

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Two characteristics of metal injection molding

Metal injection molding(MIM) is a comprehensive technology that integrates plastic injection and powder metallurgy processes, using powdered metal injected into the mould and sintered to produce high-density, high-precision parts, the biggest advantage is the ability to design complex shapes of three-dimensional parts, differing from other processes by the absence of cutting, the process steps are…

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Advantages of pressed & sintered gears

Gears are the most widely used in a variety of electric machinery, is the basic powder metallurgy products in the machinery industry, electric motors, transmission boxes, transmissions need gears as a bridge. Powder metallurgy gears are widely used, mainly because it can be shaped without other processing, no scrap metal generation, low manufacturing cost, high…

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