Ideas,Insights,Solutions from Osweypm's Powder Metal Manufacturers

Fascinating insight into the production process of metal parts: powder sintering (PM), metal injection molding, and precision machining.

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The economic benefits and superior performance of powder metallurgy

Economic benefits of using powder metallurgy technology 1. Direct moulding without material waste: 2. Manufacturing process without environmental pollution: 3. Processing advantages: Superior performance of powder metallurgy 1. High product consistency for mass production: 2. Good surface wear resistance:

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Understanding the process of metal injection molding

Methods of molding: Metal injection molding(MIM) is the process of injecting metal powder into a mould to form a part with a final shape. MIM combines both plastic injection and metal powder technologies to enable the mass production of precision metal parts using plastic moulding methods. MIM process technology is fruit of plastic molding technology,…

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Difficulties and solutions in gear production

Problems we used to have manufacturing gears: Powder metallurgy technology has its unique advantages in gear manufacturing, but there are some difficulties, such as precision and hardness control, in the production of gears, due to the pressing and sintering need for human control of mechanical operation, the operating engineer becomes very important, engineers do not…

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How to prevent rust on powder metallurgy parts?

As powder metallurgy continues to replace other parts, most parts machining is now produced using this process. Usually, powder metallurgy parts do not need to be rust-proofed after sintering, for example, stainless steel-based sintered parts will not rust. However, some parts need to be treated with a rust inhibitor so as to avoid rust on…

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Limitations(Shortcomings) of Powder Metallurgy Gears

With the popularity of robots and smart homes, gears of powder metallurgy process are used in more and more industries, the process’s unique low energy consumption, low waste, low cost and high physical properties for many markets in large quantities, such as automatic curtains, AI robots, aerospace equipment, and many other fields, the gears can…

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