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The economic benefits and superior performance of powder metallurgy

Economic benefits of using powder metallurgy technology

1. Direct moulding without material waste:

  • Powder metallurgy process can be pressed into the final shape and the required size of the product, without secondary mechanical processing, the loss of metal in the manufacturing process is only 4%(low loss), which greatly saves energy and materials, and subsequently reduces the cost of the product. If the traditional casting process is used, the loss of metal may reach 70%.

2. Manufacturing process without environmental pollution:

  • The process in the production of metal materials do not melt the material, there is no deoxidiser and other impurities produced, sintering process is generally carried out in a vacuum and reducing atmosphere, no need to be oxidised, and will not give any pollution to the material, there is no poisonous gas production, from the preparation of the material to the sintering of the entire process does not produce new hazardous substances, in line with the goal of sustainable development of the environment.

3. Processing advantages:

  • Thanks to the direct moulding technology of powder metallurgy, parts can often be manufactured for use in projects without secondary processing, saving significant processing costs.
  • In automated production lines, a blank can be moulded in a few seconds and sintered in just 10 seconds, saving time and reducing production costs and speeding up delivery times.

Superior performance of powder metallurgy

1. High product consistency for mass production:

  • Powder metallurgy process is suitable for the production of the same shape of the product, powder metallurgy moulds are generally made of high hardness stainless steel, in the ultra-high-pressure force under the pressure of each product density and weight consistency, product size and precision can be guaranteed, especially with the traditional process of manufacturing gears appear to have a very high cost of processing, you can consider the use of powder metallurgy method of manufacturing, can greatly reduce production costs.

2. Good surface wear resistance:

  • The surface of powder metallurgy parts has a high degree of finish, hardness and wear resistance than casting and forging workpieces are higher, but also through the addition of alloying elements and surface-second treatment to improve its corrosion resistance.