Articles about less machining

Revolutionary powder metallurgy properties revolutionise manufacturing industry,we gofrom Powder metallurgy(PM) to metal injection moulding(MIM), from mixing, pressing and sintering process of metal materials, using advanced equipment to manufacture,transformative technology, the final result is to achieve high precision and strong mechanical properties of the parts,

Powder metallurgy’s unique “zero-waste” manufacturing process,the technology also minimises waste,As a result, the final product cost is reduced,making them indispensable in the aerospace, medical and automotive industries.

Two characteristics of metal injection molding

Metal injection molding(MIM) is a comprehensive technology that integrates plastic injection and powder metallurgy processes, using powdered metal injected into the mould and sintered to produce high-density, high-precision parts, the biggest advantage is the ability to design complex shapes of three-dimensional parts, differing from other processes by the absence of cutting, the process steps are…

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