Articles about molds

Revolutionary powder metallurgy properties revolutionise manufacturing industry,we gofrom Powder metallurgy(PM) to metal injection moulding(MIM), from mixing, pressing and sintering process of metal materials, using advanced equipment to manufacture,transformative technology, the final result is to achieve high precision and strong mechanical properties of the parts,

Powder metallurgy’s unique “zero-waste” manufacturing process,the technology also minimises waste,As a result, the final product cost is reduced,making them indispensable in the aerospace, medical and automotive industries.

Pressing Process in Powder Metallurgy Manufacturing

The pressing process of powder metallurgy involves pressing a material in powdered state into a specified shape by means of a press, just as flour is poured into a mold to make bread. The powder is pressed into a mold and under the high pressure of the press, the metal particles combine to form a…

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Advantages of pressed & sintered gears

Gears are the most widely used in a variety of electric machinery, is the basic powder metallurgy products in the machinery industry, electric motors, transmission boxes, transmissions need gears as a bridge. Powder metallurgy gears are widely used, mainly because it can be shaped without other processing, no scrap metal generation, low manufacturing cost, high…

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